Justin Fag-ID: S349 on Fagspose
A few weeks ago I finally completed the exposure process to appear on fagspose and have been assigned Fag-ID: S349 with a fag score of 75.9%, there you can find the photos that I submitted along with my verification video and some other information about me of course.
If you are serious about being exposed naked online and seeking a more permanent and difficult to remove exposure, I highly recommend fagspose.
I am extremely happy with how my exposure turned out and the entire process start to finish was both easy and fun, just takes a small amount of effort on your part.
Personally I enjoy being exposed on sites where removal is difficult or there is a fee attached to the removal, as this keeps me from easily removing my exposure and that is a thrill for me and ensures my long term exposure and humiliation.
While timed and temporary sites and groups have their place in the world of erotic exposure and humiliation, I find the temporary nature of those sites less fun and well I am all about long term exposure.
Justin Exposed
It has crossed my mind a couple of times of trying to find someone with more tech and website building skills to take over this domain and control and making my exposure more permanent in nature.
I would of course continue to provide photos and videos to keep the site updated.
It would certainly be an interesting experience and I am sure someone with the tech skills could ensure a wider audience and more exposure, but it is of course nothing something I would just hand over on a whim, but it is something I would be open to considering.