Feel free to use these amateur nude stock images for your website or other projects, these are completely unedited amateur nude photos. We have dedicated them to the public domain and no credit is required, they can be used for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

If you are a photographer amateur or professional and need a middle aged male to model or pose naked for you, Justin is always eager to model and have his photo taken. Contact Justin directly here if you need a free model for your nude photos.

Amateur Nude Stock Images-naked man kneeling on the beach.
Amateur Nude Stock Images-naked man walking along the shore at a nude beach.

Amateur Nude Stock Images

All of the nude male images below were taken at Wreck Beach located in Vancouver.

Wreck Beach Photos by Justin Smith is marked with CC0 1.0 UniversalJustin Smith Vancouver » Gay Exposure and Humiliation KinkJustin Smith Vancouver » Gay Exposure and Humiliation Kink